Contact us for more information: 514-693-5335
Frequently treated conditions
- Headaches/Migraines
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Numbness
- Muscle pain
- Epicondylitis
- Sports injuries
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Posture problems
- Shoulder, elbow and wrist problems
- Hip, knee and ankle problems
- Painfull/craking jaw
- And more…
New – Massage Therapy by Sydney Hassoun

Sydney has a bilingual background (English/French) of integrated health sciences, business, marketing, and is a Massage Therapist, as well as a Certified Athletic Therapist that graduated from York University, with a Bachelor of Science; honours, in Kinesiology. During his time at York, Sydney worked with various types of athletes; both…
Videos: Work Ergonomics
Video 1/5: Work Posture In this video, Doctor Alexandre Allaire, Chiropractor, explains the basics of a healthy work posture both at the office and from home. Contact Focus Chiropratique at 514-693-5335 to book an appointment today! Video 2/5: Desk and Chair Positioning Video 3/5: Screen Positioning Video 4/5: Work tools…
We remain open
What are Trigger Points? Here are 5 things that might help
A trigger point can be described as a spot or point in a muscle that refers a sensation, be it pain or weakness, to another area of the body. For example, a trigger point in your upper trap muscle may cause a referral pattern into the side of the head,…